Environmental Hygiene Sector

Special and Urban Waste Treatment and Disposal Plant Complex, located in Loc. Spiritu Santu - Olbia


CIPNES Headquarters

Address: Zambia Road, 7 - 07026 - Olbia (SS)

Tel. 0789/597125

Fax. 0789/597126

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-Technical Manager and Sector Manager: Eng. Giovanni Maurelli

-Referent: Dr. Geol. Sandro Zizi and Eng. Marco Chessa.


Plant Headquarters

Address: Loc. Spiritu Santu - 07026 - Olbia (SS)

Tel. 0789/42015

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-General operating manager: Geom. Salvatore Azzena, mobile number. 3311709887.

-Responsible for plant operational management: Geom. Marco Pintus, mobile number. 3665679245 - Tel. 0789/42015

-Requests for purchases, services and free quotes: Geom. Marco Pintus, mobile number. 3665679245 - Tel. 0789/42015, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

-Administrative and contract manager: Rag. Antonietta Varrucciu, 0789/42110 or 0789/42133.