Investment support staff



Dr. Aldo Carta                                                     Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Business Support and Local Development Division

Responsible: Dr. Giampaolo Saba                     Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.


Suape Town Planning Office and Land Allocation

Responsible: Surveyor Marco Sanna                       Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.



Where we are: Zambia Road n° 7 - Loc. Cala Saccaia, 07026 Olbia (SS)

Tel. +39 0789.59.71.25

Fax +39 0789.59.71.26

Certified E-mail (P.E.C.): Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

activated ex art. 1, paragraph 29, Law 190/2012


How to reach us...






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Support for business creation and development


CIPNES acts as a pole of integrated skills that facilitates and accelerates the economic development of the territory: thanks to a wide network of inter-institutional cooperation, it orients, supports and accompanies the companies of its territory towards all those regional and national entities and qualified partners responsible for the planning and direct management of public incentive instruments, access to credit and specialized services strategic to grow and innovate the local productive fabric.







Incentives for companies under56: Cipnes accredited by Invitalia for the "Resto al sud" measure



What it is

Resto al Sud supports the creation and development of new business and professional activities in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily and in the areas of the earthquake crater in Central Italy (Lazio, Marche, Umbria). The incentive is intended for those aged between 18 and 55 years.

What it finances

- productive activities in the sectors of industry, handicrafts, processing of agricultural products, fishing and aquaculture
- provision of services to businesses and people
- tourism
- trade
- professional activities (both individual and corporate).

Agricultural activities are excluded

Resto al Sud covers up to 100% of expenses, with a maximum funding of 50,000 euros for each applicant, which can reach up to 200,000 euros in the case of companies with four partners.

For sole proprietorships, with only one applicant, the maximum funding has been raised to 60,000 euros.



To support the need for working capital, an additional non-repayable contribution is envisaged:

15,000 euros for sole proprietorships and professional activities carried out on an individual basis

up to a maximum of 40,000 euros for companies.

The contribution is paid on completion of the expenditure program, at the same time as the balance of the contributions granted.

The funds available amount to 1 billion 250 million euros.
There are no calls, deadlines or rankings: applications are evaluated on the basis of chronological order of arrival.


Eligible expenses

The following expenses may be financed:

- restructuring or extraordinary maintenance of real estate (maximum 30% of the expenditure program)
- new machinery, plant and equipment
- computer programs and services for technologies, information and telecommunications
- operating expenses (raw materials, consumables, utilities, rents, leasing fees, insurance guarantees) - maximum 20% of the expenditure program

*Design and promotional expenses, consulting and personnel expenses are not eligible.


How the facilities work

The facilities cover 100% of eligible expenses and are so composed:

50% non-repayable contribution
50% bank financing guaranteed by the Guarantee Fund for SMEs. The interests are entirely borne by Invitalia


Let's develop together your business idea: download the form to book an appointment


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