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The open network principle


The organizational and operating model of the Territorial Marketing Platform identified by the consortium brand "INSULA", oriented to the promotion of a homogenous aggregate offer with a strong identity is also based on the creation and development of multi-territorial networks and single-strong companies able to express the regional agri-food sector in its entirety.

Through these networks, based on the "open door" mechanism to guarantee an adequate representation of the Sardinian productive economic fabric, it's necessary to reconstruct an "inclusive supply chain ecosystem" to favour both a more equal distribution of the added value among all the actors of the production process "from the raw material to the finished product", and a product traceability for the final consumer interested in knowing its precise qualitative biography.

Because of that, the admission to the network of associates is possible subject to the possession of the requirements established according to non-discriminatory criteria established by a specific selection procedure (read the public notice), guaranteeing that equal treatment, affordability, quality and continuity of services essential to meet the needs of the productive world and to guarantee the homogeneity of development on a regional scale. 

How to join the program